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Garima A.

Priyanka has been a lifesaver for our family. As first-generation immigrants, navigating the college search was overwhelming. She’s incredibly approachable & reachable, even late at night as deadlines approached. Of course, we were stunned when Priyanka scraped my daughter, Aarushi’s college essay less than 2 weeks before the deadline! They spent hours brainstorming a new essay that better reflected Aarushi’s interest in robotics & engineering along with her writing style. Let’s say the stress-levels were temporarily high; it was a bold move on Priyanka’s end, but Aarushi loved the way her new essay felt more “like her”. In her ~5 months with us, she covered college searches, and essays. She also made sure all applications & financial aid forms were submitted before the deadlines. We’re immensely grateful for her positive and practical guidance.